Hello and welcome to Balancing the Books of Life!
My goal is to inspire and teach others through my journey of finding simplicity, relieving stress in all areas of my life, and creating more time for the things I want to be doing instead of the things I feel obligated to do. It is my ambition to help as many working women as possible get off the hamster wheel and live a life full of controlled chaos, love and intention.
A bit about me:
I am a mom, wife, aerialist and I’ve been an engineer for a decade. After the birth of my son, I decided I wanted to find a way to remove myself from the engineering career I didn’t enjoy. I aspired to spend more time at home so I could be a larger part of my son’s life. Because of this aspiration, Balancing the Books of Life was born!
I have a passion for simplicity, family, love, my faith, and helping others. As an easy-going, laid back introvert, I don’t necessarily handle stress well. I used to have what I would call a simple life. Several moves, 2 dogs, a wedding, and two kids later, and I find myself losing sight of who I was and what made me happy. I crave to gain some of that ease back in my life and my home while still enjoying the chaos that has naturally come with growing my family. So I continually strive towards finding ways to make my life just a little bit easier when I’m not focused on my hobbies of reading and crafts.